This site was Created To Provide an unedited insight to the Governors Executive Council. Each meeting is taped at the State House or the location decided by the Governor & Council. Each meeting is posted UN-EDITED the day after the meeting. Copies of the meeting are available on DVD for a small fee.
The Governor and Council form of Government is Unique to the State of New Hampshire.
No other state in the nation has two governmental branches as accountable to its citizens as New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Governor and Council form of government has stood the test of time. It is by far the most unique and open form of state government in our nation.
The New Hampshire Executive Council holds the distinction of being the first and the last of its kind in the nation. It is a vestige of the Colonial era and a public reminder of the continuing indication of the basic distrust Granite State citizens have for dictatorial government. provides an opportunity beyond radio & television for Councilors to present their positions and messages.